Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[fnftwo] Question about MS Word

As many of you know I am a genealogist amongst other things.  In the mid 1980s I compiled Catholic records the OLD way....by indexing the records one at a time on 3x5 cards, then typing them using a regular typewriter.  When I think of it now, I gasp....how did I ever do that?  There was no sorting programs, so the files I missed had to be placed at the end of my compilation, as my errata.  So very much time to compile these records from old records written in the late 1890s, early 1900s.
I have some of them on my website, and have been asked by a few genealogists if I would please add the rest of them and to update missing data in some.  At first I started to retype the records, and quickly gave that up.
I then took a record I had been working on, found that Word would allow me to scan a picture/text and incorporate it into the document.  The text is faint, but readable.  Heck these compilations are so old and yellowed!  The worst thing though is that the resulting file, of only 133 pages is humungous....4.2MB zipped, the old text files were about 150KB.
Is there a way to condense these word.docs even more?  I have some compilations that have 300 pages, I'd hate to see the size of those!  LOL
If anyone knows, please email me!
Many thanks,


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