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Dec 02
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- *HayalDunyamiz* Son Kez-Hayko Cepkin-Neslihan
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- [PSP-Snags] LFurnell - Birdhouse Row: Bird Houses
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Dec 02
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:36 PM 0 comments
*HayalDunyamiz* Here In The Real World
Bizim "Hayaldunyamiz"
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 3:28 PM 0 comments
*HayalDunyamiz* Bear
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 3:16 PM 0 comments
*HayalDunyamiz* GIzem / Cehennemgülü
Bizim "Hayaldunyamiz"
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Bizim "Hayaldunyamiz"
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 12:19 PM 0 comments
*HayalDunyamiz* Son Kez-Hayko Cepkin-Neslihan
Bizim "Hayaldunyamiz"
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 11:48 AM 0 comments
[fnftwo] Magical Winter Tutorial/Results
NOTE:Not a real email address due to spam. If you need let me know.
LABEL;HOME:Louisville, Kentucky
Posted by Mr.Blogger at 11:37 AM 0 comments
adobe.photoshop.macintosh - 25 new messages in 11 topics - digest
Today's topics:
* Shortcut and other changes from CS3 to CS4 - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Please Separate Crop Tool from Slicing Knives - 4 messages, 3 authors
* save for web--not enough memory - 2 messages, 2 authors
* CS4 Trial messed up CS3 - 1 messages, 1 author
* Epson Stylus Pro 3800 - Prints too dark. - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Newsflash Nikon D3x Officially Announced... - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Strange behavior of brush in Photoshop 10.0.1 CS3 Extended - 3 messages, 2
* Pattern stamp problem - 1 messages, 1 author
* CS4: Fit Image Problem - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Rasterize PDF with Overprint Preview - 1 messages, 1 author
* Not happy about Adjustments panel - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Shortcut and other changes from CS3 to CS4
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 9:27 pm
From: Alex_Ojeda_V@adobeforums.com
Hi, Jeff and Mark,
Many thanks for your responses, but so far my question remains unanswered. And that was the purpose of this post, not anything else.
I do use masks a lot. But most of the time, thats 90% of it, I use them in group sets, not the adjustment layer itself. I prefer it this way, and this is the way I worked on CS3.
I recently printed 110 prints for Magnum that is being exhibit in Germany, and Im currently working on the retouching for a Phaidon photo book. So its not like I started Photoshop last week. Although almost every day I learn something new. And Id like to have my adjustment layer masks on the group sets like in CS3. Nothing out of this world.
Is it possible with CS4 like CS3 or not? If it is, how? If not, darn, but I'll survive.
Those are my questions if anyone please.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 10:44 am
From: Mark_Reynolds@adobeforums.com
Sorry Alex - I just looked into this, the layers panel preference in CS4
isn't working, seems to be a bug. There is no workaround other than option clicking to delete the masks or making an action that strips them off.
Seems they forgot to look into when introducing the new, at the moment dubiously useful 'masks' panel. I'm speculating that at some point in the future this panel will probably have more functionality, but they didn't have time in this development cycle to pull off.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 10:50 am
From: Mark_Reynolds@adobeforums.com
"The purpose of "Adjustment Layers" is to be able to apply local adjustments and not have to apply the adjustment globally." -I have to disagree there Jeff, the purpose of adjustment layers is also for overall correction. For example in color correction workflows, overall non-destructive corrections are a must.
And "you may learn to use them" thanks for patronising me, I appreciate it.
TOPIC: Please Separate Crop Tool from Slicing Knives
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 1:56 am
From: Ralph_Eisenberg@adobeforums.com
I agree that it would be worthwhile to have the Crop tool separate.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 3:25 am
From: LRK@adobeforums.com
Thank you for posting.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 6:47 am
From: Wade_Zimmerman@adobeforums.com
Use Configurator to customize your panels and assign your own shortcuts.
But they have run out of keyboard shortcuts. I understand they were going to get rid of the blur and sharpen tool, one of the reasons was that they no longer have a key command for them.
The sharpen tool is a good idea but it never worked well for me the blur tool on the other hand is very useful.
I think you should try Configurator that might be you solution, Ann and Ramón seem good with this tool.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 7:02 am
From: LRK@adobeforums.com
Thanks Wade. I do plan to give Configurator a try soon.
I do use the Sharpen and Blur tools, so I hope they don't remove them. I would rather scroll through the tool bar than have them remove tools.
TOPIC: save for web--not enough memory
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 3:31 am
From: "John Joslin"
Why you old flirt Ramón! You don't talk to the male Windowsers like that!
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 4:33 am
From: Wade_Zimmerman@adobeforums.com
bring it into Premiere Pro and then Export it to Media and Select your Brand of FLV. There are two flavors.
TOPIC: CS4 Trial messed up CS3
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 4:31 am
From: Wade_Zimmerman@adobeforums.com
Since you did already there are clean u script for both that will remove some important files that are still there that are preventing reinstalling.
Download the Clean uP Scripts and run them then do a search for CS 3 and 4 and remove anything that you find related unless you have other CS 3 and or Cs4 apps installed.
Then trash the Photoshop Settings folder from the user's Preferences and the com.adobe.photoshop.plist file from that same directory restart the computer, just for the fun of it and the reinstall CS 3.
Then enroll in a class on how to do things in a n orderly fashion and another for reading, any language will do.
Just joking, sort of!
TOPIC: Epson Stylus Pro 3800 - Prints too dark.
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 5:58 am
From: Eric_Chan@adobeforums.com
Adjusting the ink density (via the driver) may be a reasonable thing to do with some third-party matte papers. However, it has its disadvantages: (1) it invalidates the color profile you're using, and (2) it may adversely affect color gamut and dynamic range.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 9:23 am
From: Peter_Figen@adobeforums.com
Ideally, when printing on third party papers, you want to find the optimum ink density laydown, and this is the only tool available in the Epson driver to adjust it. Not nearly as robust as you would be able to do in a good RIP program. If the ink density is off, then adjusting, either up or down, can actually improve the situation provided you reprofile with your new setting. In my testing, I've found that there is a fine balance between maximum d-max and not plugging shadow detail, but once you find the right balance, the results are worth it.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 9:55 am
From: Mary_Ellen_Foster@adobeforums.com
Now bare with me and don't become impatient. I have another question, I have the ColorBurst RIP CD but have not installed it yet. If I installed it would I be forced to use it OR could I choose to print the way I am now . . . . straight from CS 2 to the printer. I know! I know! I told you I'm just graduating from kindergarten when it comes to all this techno babel. What I want to know is, what would I achieve if anything by going through a RIP? Meaning, that would be another learning step. I've never used one. I don't even know why I have one. I guess I overbought.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 10:34 am
From: Peter_Figen@adobeforums.com
Mary Ellen,
You can have the CB RIP installed and use either that or the Epson driver. You make the choice. I think I would probably advise against complicating your printing life any more by doing that right now. Get one process fully understood and under control before mixing in more variables.
In order to get the most out of the CB RIP, you really need to have a good spectrophotometer and profiling software. You also have to know how to build good CMYK profiles, and while there are many canned profiles on the CB website, I still am not that crazy about them.
TOPIC: Newsflash Nikon D3x Officially Announced...
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 6:50 am
From: Wade_Zimmerman@adobeforums.com
The D3 has an almost film like noise when shooting at high ISO and is reminiscent of tri X pushed a stop without he added contrast.
Kind of nice.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 6:46 am
From: "Rick McCleary"
Somewhere along the way the notion that great images can only be noiseless
got a little too popular.
This has been one of my pet peeves ever since the advent of digital capture. "Noiseless" capture has been held up as an absolute virtue. More often than not, I end up introducing subtle texture to the medium in order to give the image something for the eye to hold onto. Even when we were shooting Panatomic-X developed in HC-110, there was still texture.
Digital noise is plain obnoxious.
As with everything, that depends.
TOPIC: Strange behavior of brush in Photoshop 10.0.1 CS3 Extended
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 7:06 am
From: richard_l_skover@adobeforums.com
I've all of a sudden encountered a problem with the brushes in Photoshop CS3. When I want to paint with a brush I click the mouse to start laying down paint, but all I get is a spot at that point, nothing happens as I drag the mouse until I release the mouse button- then a path is made from where I first clicked the mouse to where I released the button. How do I get to the point where I can just lay down paint normally with the brush?
Dick Skover
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 8:20 am
From: Buko
tell us more about your computer and when this started happening.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 9:51 am
From: richard_l_skover@adobeforums.com
I'm running a 2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo Mac,2 GB SDRAM, and OS X 10.4.11.
This first started happening this morning- I've never had a problem like this before. After I sent the email, I went back to the application and the brush was working fine again. About an hour later I went back again and I had the same problem. I then thought it might be my mouse- I am using the mouse that comes with the Wacom tablet. At that point I tried my logitech mouse and the problem disappeared- went back to my Wacom mouse and the problem was gone for it also. Any idea what's happening?
Richard Skover
TOPIC: Pattern stamp problem
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 8:14 am
From: russ_fega@adobeforums.com
When I use the pattern stamp while using my Wacom tablet, many times when i move the stylus, it continues to apply the pattern stamp despite the fact that the stylus isn't even touching the pad. Any thoughts?
Altadena, CA
TOPIC: CS4: Fit Image Problem
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 8:58 am
From: randykepple
JJ...I appreciate you taking the time to comment on this issue. However, why comment on a CS4 issue if you don't even have it installed?
Fit Image is independent of your ruler settings. That's what I was saying originally. In previous versions of Photoshop, the action was recorded with a pixel value, reflecting the parameters of Fit Image.
In the current version, Fit Image also only supports pixels, but the value is being recorded in inches. It's already been determined by Adobe as a bug in the Javascript, not Photoshop code.
With my CS3 actions, the action step was recorded as a Javascript step. Just as you stated, but I could expand the step and see that actual pixel value for that step.
I'm hoping they resolve this quickly, but in the meantime, I've re-recorded the Fit Image step for all the actions I have that use it.
Pain in the butt...but it works for now. I'm assuming when they fix it, I'll have to do this all over again! :)
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 9:33 am
From: jjmack@adobeforums.com
The reason I commented was I knew what the problem is. "Fit Image" Prior the Photoshop CS3 was a Compiled Photoshop Plug-in. When recorded is an action it was recorded as step "Fit Image" and two settings Width xxx Pixels and Height yyy pixels. In Version CS3 Adobe added Plug-in support to Photoshop Scripting and changed "Fit Image" coded it in Javascript. However IMO Adobe failed to make and approbate change to the Action recorder. Instead of recording the 'Fit Image' Plug-in script as a Plug-in it recorded it as a normal use of a script which includes the full path of the script file. Old actions that were recorded prior to CS3 that used the compiled "Fit Image" were recorded as a plug-in step these will continue to work in CS3 and CS4 because the "Fit Image" plug-in script registries itself as the Automate Plug-in Fit Image during Photoshop's start up process. Myself I will not have the problem because I deleted the Adobe Fit Image Script because it had a bug. I fixed the bug and added code to use Bicibic Smoother when up-sizing and Bicubic Sharper when down-sizing. I installed My in mt Photoshop Script Tree which does not change with each release of Photoshop. Do you understand why I answered now.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 10:09 am
From: randykepple
JJ...that makes perfect sense! When you take the time to explain (and I appreciate that you did) I do understand.
However, my personal experience differed in that the actions I recorded in CS2 and CS3 would not work with CS4. I was getting error messages about the Javascript missing.
This was confusing as I knew for a fact it was NOT missing. When I shrugged and re-recored that step, the new Fit Image step was no longer a Javascript AND it was not recorded in a pixel value, but in inches. Did not matter how I had my rulers set up.
So, as you have fixed this problem. Is there a simple way for the rest of us code challenged users to resolve this issue?
I appreciate that you jumped in and are trying to help. Thank you!
TOPIC: Rasterize PDF with Overprint Preview
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 9:04 am
From: capste@adobeforums.com
how is possible to rasterize using Photoshop a PDF 1.3 created with INDD anc composed with CMYK + Spot preserving the right appearence (PDF must be viewed with Overprint Preview otherwise there are white holes).
I need it to generate Preview and Thumb for Internet use.
I solved at the moment with GhostScript and SIPS but seems strange that Photoshop cannot handle the Overprint Preview feature.
Maybe can be feature request for future PS 12?
TOPIC: Not happy about Adjustments panel
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 11:03 am
From: Mark_Reynolds@adobeforums.com
Don't necessarily need bigger keyboards, just the ability to recognize the existing mac keys would be helpful, one example, F13 to F16. A 'Keyboard type' preference would be useful allowing this increased functionality.
My workaround at the moment is to have 'unusual tasks' shortcut sets loaded.
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 11:05 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] MQQN__pink_lemonade[1].Gorguss
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:45 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] Beautiful Unicorn Tube
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:43 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] LFurnell - Birdhouse Row: Bird Houses
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:42 AM 0 comments
*HayalDunyamiz* Rolling_Stones_21_Fortune_Teller
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:39 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] Wordart: Christmas
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:31 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] Winter's Dawn
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:24 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] Strawberry Lane--Microfk
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:24 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] tahiti
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:23 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] daisies
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:22 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] elka romero #26
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[PSP-Snags] SSD Pajamatime
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:20 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] Artist_AnaRasha_8-1 T~P
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[PSP-Snags] Animações de Natal
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[PSP-Snags] Tube 1030
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:13 AM 0 comments
[PSP-Snags] AngellMaeDavidPenfound T~P
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[PSP-Snags] ®DejiChan_happysummernightholidays_tubedbyLiz T~P
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[PSP-Snags] CC~NoBoundaries2sm_KK T~P
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[PSP-Snags] 103-Tubed_by_monique42 T~P
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:08 AM 0 comments
[Photoshop-Haven] Re: Kaleidescope Filter/Plugin (looking for new one)
Remembered reading this but took a while to remember, find, and
verify these two excellent plug-ins....
- KPT3, twirl, use kaleidoscope option
- Painter X (and earlier versions) have a built-in plug-in called
I just used them both and they are easy and do exactly what you
want...imitate a kaleidoscope...like setting it over an existing
image and you save the results.
Also useful for generating patterns for tiling seamlessly.
So if you have either, give it a try. Painter expensive but a
wonderful paint program. KPT3 may also be found on your KPT5 CD. KPT3
may be available via Google.
--- In Photoshop-Haven@yahoogroups.com, Eustace Phenackertiban
<kertiban@...> wrote:
> Roz Fruchtman wrote:
> > Does anyone know of Kaleidoscope Filters or
> > Plugins? I have two, but
> > wanted something different.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Roz
> Er... which ones do you already have? That would help
> to keep from receiving a bunch of suggestions for the
> ones that you already know about.
> The first one that comes to mind is Mehdi's
> Kaleidoscope 2.1
> (http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/kaleidoscope.htm),
> which does a pretty good job and is free. Another
> which is shareware ($28.00) and which I haven't tried
> is Kaleider 4.1
> (http://www.sharewareplaza.com/Kaleider-download_16937.html),
> and it looks really intriguing (click the sample
> image at the site). It has a number of capabilities
> other than just producing static kaleidoscope
> effects, too, including dynamic auto-gen set to
> music. Interesting; I may try that one myself.
> prowler
> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
> in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.
> http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/?link=list&sid=396545367
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Posted by Mr.Blogger at 10:08 AM 0 comments