Sunday, March 22, 2009

[PSP-Snags] ISO Jesus Tubes

I am looking for picture tubes of Jesus Christ. 
Thank you in advance.
Deanna Jo
 Letter by Simply Cheryl
Tutorial by: Passion
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License purchased from AMI
Font: Harmony Text
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[ellenspsp_sharing] Sharing Tag Toppers

In a message dated 3/22/2009 12:15:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
156 tubes in zip; preview of most below
feel free to share my link, but do not reupload my zip file

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

Re: [ellenspsp_sharing] Sharing Tag Toppers

In a message dated 3/22/2009 12:15:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

Re: [ellenspsp_sharing] Bunny Topper T&P

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

[fnftwo] Fw: This can't be happening!

Subject: Fw: This can't be happening!





Tweety Bird, is 60 years Old This Week!

I know how he feels



[fnftwo] Fw: PENGUINS

Subject: Fw: PENGUINS

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica- where do they go?

                              WONDER NO MORE!!!











comp.os.linux.misc - 25 new messages in 15 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Windows waxes good by comparison to Linux - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Compiling the ash386 shell - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cyprus Travel Guide - 1 messages, 1 author
* welcome "comp.os.linux.misc" Group Members... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Which architecture for dual core celeron processor? Debian lenny. - 3
messages, 3 authors
* Ping Chris F.A. Johnson (nt) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Join new Linux community - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Which Cygwin Should I use? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Routing Debian 5 - 4 messages, 3 authors
* GOOD NEWS!!! Free Shipping Discount 2009 style MLB NFL NHL all stars - 1
messages, 1 author
FUSION NIKE Options - 1 messages, 1 author
* sell:nike shoes:$32,handbag:$35,NFL:$20,jean:$30,UGG
boot:$50(free shipping) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Some issues with a desktop Lenny.. - 1 messages, 1 author
* NYC LOCAL: Thursday 26 March 2009 NYLUG: Ira Hyman on the Search for the
Ultimate Linux Distro - 1 messages, 1 author
* Fedora vs CentOS - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Windows waxes good by comparison to Linux

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 21 2009 9:58 pm
From: Tarkin

On Mar 20, 6:12 pm, notalinuxsnob <> wrote:
> lately I have been reassessing my formerly negative opinions of
> windows OS's
> I am running 98se on an old laptop. It does everything I want,-wifi,
> cdrom, browsers, chat, etc. There is a myriad of free and available
> software for it. It is not the most stable OS, but when I crashes
> recovery is usually easy. And all of it works on my 15 year old
> laptop.It's not that slow and I can image it so if there is a bad OS
> glitch, I just restore the last image and am up in running in a
> minute.
> Compare this to all these so called live cd and old hardware
> compatible linux distros, NONE of which works out of the box. DSL,
> for example does not run from the CD as they claim it should and
> their forum is so user unfriendly that it becomes a chore just to
> post to it. If you want to spend your time deciphering linux
> gobbledy gook commands to try to get your linux running on such a
> computer, good luck. A royal pain in the ass. Same for BSD. Guess
> maybe the nix people could learn a few things from MS after all. So
> called support for these nix Os's is poor to none.
> Try getting answers here or elsewhere, you will be met with a stone
> wall. These guys hubris runs so high they are like the "computer
> guy"from saturday night live. Also these guys must be all smoking
> from the same pipe as they keep claiming the ease and compatiblity
> of their distros and it is mostly 90% bullshit. They expect users to
> help them develop their distros in order to get it working on their
> computers. Sorry, I am not using an OS to be a developer or
> debugger.

WTF laptop had a cdrom 15 years ago?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 5:13 pm
From: notalinuxsnob

Whaddya know an objective and accurate assesment on 98SE from a linux group
member, will wonders never cease. Permit me to answer both him and the
others in this one reply....

The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote in news:1237628121.8396.0

> philo wrote:
>> notalinuxsnob wrote:
>>> lately I have been reassessing my formerly negative opinions of
>>> windows OS's
>>> I am running 98se on an old laptop. It does everything I want,-wifi,
>>> cdrom, browsers, chat, etc. There is a myriad of free and available
>>> software for it. It is not the most stable OS, but when I crashes
>>> recovery is usually easy. And all of it works on my 15 year old
>>> laptop.It's not that slow and I can image it so if there is a bad OS
>>> glitch, I just restore the last image and am up in running in a minute.
>>> Compare this to all these so called live cd and old hardware
>>> compatible linux distros, NONE of which works out of the box. DSL, for
>>> example does not run from the CD as they claim it should and their
>>> forum is so user unfriendly that it becomes a chore just to post to
>>> it. If you want to spend your time deciphering linux gobbledy gook
>>> commands to try to get your linux running on such a computer, good
>>> luck. A royal pain in the ass. Same for BSD. Guess maybe the nix
>>> people could learn a few things from MS after all. So called support
>>> for these nix Os's is poor to none. Try getting answers here or
>>> elsewhere, you will be met with a stone
>>> wall. These guys hubris runs so high they are like the "computer
>>> guy"from saturday night live. Also these guys must be all smoking from
>>> the same pipe as they keep claiming the ease and compatiblity of their
>>> distros and it is mostly 90% bullshit. They expect users to help them
>>> develop their distros in order to get it working on their computers.
>>> Sorry, I am not using an OS to be a developer or debugger.
>> Don't know what you are talking about,
>> Damn Small Linux has always come through for me when setting up minimal
>> machines...I even put it on a 486 and it worked fine.

Tried 3 different versions, best I could get was boot to linux prompt. No
gui., and very slow to boot with lots of errors.
It's not a live cd, it's only live on some machines. Can't post to their
private club either, very user unfriendly.

>> Once in a while I will get an old machine that cannot boot from the
>> cdrom so I either use a boot floppy to get things going...
>> or just pop the drive in another machine...install DSL,
>> then put the drive back in the original.
>> Though I have been using Windows and Linux for about 9 years...
>> I recently installed Linux on my main machine and it has now become my
>> operating system of choice.

Never said is was not a good OS, just that it is a pain in the butt to get
it working properly.

>> That said, hey, if win98 works for you great
> Win 98 was small and fast and apart from crashes, fairly decent.

In an extensive search I found more positive comments on 98se than for XP.
Was many users Windows OS of choice and takes far less resources than XP.

> I've not had any problems with Linux apart from the edges of it..USB
> stuff was poor a few years back..
> Printing can be a bit tricky to set up..CUPS works, but when you step of
> the edge of what works out of th gets messy. Had to hack it a
> bit to gt A3 color printing going on a Ricoh 3800..and ghostcript is
> still a bit limited.
> Ditto some models of scanners..
> So in terms of peripheral support its always a bit behind, but in terms
> of raw OS performance its well ahead of windows.

Also behind in terms of free software and apps, windows has the edge, maybe
not so much any more since 98SE is old. Also the main complaint against
windows is unrecoverable crashes. I have solved that mostly since it takes
less than 5 min to completely restore the last OS from image. And the best
part is I have a much larger less elitist group of people from whom to draw
support; if all else fails I can always try MS.

TOPIC: Compiling the ash386 shell

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 1:08 am
From: (Mark Hobley)

Mark Hobley <> wrote:
> I'll have a hunt through the T2 archive, and see if I can work out what
> goes on during the ebuild process.

Right. It looks like there are a series of light patches to this. I
managed to apply these, and compile a working shell.



Mark Hobley
Linux User: #370818

TOPIC: Cyprus Travel Guide

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 1:49 am

Cyprus Travel Guide
Welcome to Cyprus Explorer. In this website you will find all the
travel and tourism info you need before you travel to Cyprus.

TOPIC: welcome "comp.os.linux.misc" Group Members...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 2:26 am
From: "Sha..!!"


The operating system controls your computer's

tasks and manages system

resources to optimize performance.

Learn how your operating system works.



TOPIC: Which architecture for dual core celeron processor? Debian lenny.

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 3:18 am
From: The Natural Philsopher

Darren Salt wrote:
> I demand that The Natural Philosopher may or may not have written...
>> Matt Giwer wrote:
> [snip]
>>> For any processor with a 64 in its name and at least one gig of RAM
>>> in the computer use the 64 distribution.
>> I can issue a stern warning
> Which 64-bit kernel would that be? Debian supports several 64-bit CPUs... ;-)


>> Spent 10 hours on it so far, given up.
> [snip some stuff for which "apt-cache search $KEYWORD" would provide answers]
>> I spent over an hour trying every keymap in the system to get a standard
>> logitech keyboard to work with the right keys in the right place for the
>> standard UK layout. Completely wrong. I managed complete gobbledy gook or
>> US layout only.
> You want pc105 & gb.
Well that is what worked in te 32 bit install? is that weird or what?

> [snip]
>> I reckon proper 64 bit operation in terms of everything hanging together
>> is at least a year away.
> Meanwhile, I've been using 64-bit (specifically, amd64) for a few years now
> and while I saw a few problems at first, they've all disappeared.

WEll the real issue is that the third party binaries dont work unless
compiled agaisnt the 64 bit librariers, and the current lenny stable
comabtibilty libraiers were not compelete, so the whole thing became an
issue of either getting a complete compile env. going and making from
sources, happen - possibly with newer libriers than it had been
originally compiled againts .
> Your problems you'd have just the same regardless of architecture...

No. They would not, as having installed the 32 bit X86 stuff things went
considerably smoother and faeter.

As you can see thunderbird 'just worked' as did Firefox. I had a few
issues in comprehensionm surrounding getting flash working, more down to
paucity of documentation than anything else, and spent all niight
recompiling Sane to get a scanner working - definite bug in the distro
there - but apart from that and a few bits of tuning, the desktop is
almost there. An oddity with sound, which works and doesn't work
depending..on something I haven't pinned down. yet.

> (Oh, and if you do install the 32-bit stuff, which is presumably i386, then I
> suggest using a 64-bit kernel anyway.)

Dunno how to do that.

Actually, coming from a Mac this time around this was not as seamless as
I had hoped.

I am willing to conce3de4 tht IF you restrict yourselfe to debian tested
packages - ice wotsit and so on - then things are pretty good, but one
of the things about computers is theitr ability to run other people's code.

I think that Lenny stable isn't as stable as one would like ;-) and the
world out there hasn't yet caught up with the 64 bit linux libs.,. Like
adobe flash etc.

OTOH I WAS impressed that - although nowhere near as pretty as a rounded edges distinct window trails if windows were moved fast
- and nodrop shadows, and I have yet to get the full catalogue of fonts
working on X11, the speed was very good, and everythinmg bar the scanner
on the USB side 'just worked' memory stick, camera, mouse: And I got the
one thing I wanted, a machine fast enough to play flash videos without

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 10:01 am
From: Andrew Gideon

On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 10:02:06 -0500, Jules wrote:

> Hmm, so are there specific bits needed outside of the kernel to support
> multiple cores?

We had a problem with Fedora 9 and 10 (and possibly 8; my recollection is
unclear) on certain dual core machines from a few years ago. We traced
this back to irqbalance. With this not running, the machines wouldn't
lock up.

- Andrew

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 9:09 am
From: Darren Salt

I demand that The Natural Philsopher (hmm, typo?) may or may not have

> Darren Salt wrote:
>> I demand that The Natural Philosopher may or may not have written...
>>> Matt Giwer wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>> For any processor with a 64 in its name and at least one gig of RAM
>>>> in the computer use the 64 distribution.
>>> I can issue a stern warning
>> Which 64-bit kernel would that be? Debian supports several 64-bit CPUs...
>> ;-)

> AMD64.

Thought so.

>>> Spent 10 hours on it so far, given up.
>> [snip some stuff for which "apt-cache search $KEYWORD" would provide
>> answers]
>>> I spent over an hour trying every keymap in the system to get a standard
>>> logitech keyboard to work with the right keys in the right place for the
>>> standard UK layout. Completely wrong. I managed complete gobbledy gook or
>>> US layout only.
>> You want pc105 & gb.

> Well that is what worked in te 32 bit install? is that weird or what?

Well, unless you made some silly mistake somewhere, yes.

>> [snip]
>>> I reckon proper 64 bit operation in terms of everything hanging together
>>> is at least a year away.
>> Meanwhile, I've been using 64-bit (specifically, amd64) for a few years
>> now and while I saw a few problems at first, they've all disappeared.

> WEll the real issue is that the third party binaries dont work unless
> compiled agaisnt the 64 bit librariers, and the current lenny stable
> comabtibilty libraiers were not compelete,

The sooner multiarch is in place, the better for this kind of thing...

> so the whole thing became an issue of either getting a complete compile
> env. going and making from sources, happen - possibly with newer libriers
> than it had been originally compiled againts .


>> Your problems you'd have just the same regardless of architecture...

> No. They would not, as having installed the 32 bit X86 stuff things went
> considerably smoother and faeter.

Well, apparently not the keyboard one, but iceweasel and icedove at least...

> As you can see thunderbird 'just worked' as did Firefox. I had a few issues
> in comprehensionm surrounding getting flash working, more down to paucity
> of documentation than anything else,

The usual advice is to install flashplugin-nonfree from unstable, or add
debian-multimedia to your sources.list (there's an equivalent package there,
the name of which I forget).

> and spent all niight recompiling Sane to get a scanner working - definite
> bug in the distro there

Report it, then, if it's not already reported. (reportbug is useful here.)

That said, if it's already fixed in unstable, you could watch for the fix
turning up in testing then, hopefully, backports. (I find it useful to have
deb-src entries for at least unstable and experimental; but then I have deb
entries for them anyway, and rely on apt pinning.)

> - but apart from that and a few bits of tuning, the desktop is almost
> there. An oddity with sound, which works and doesn't work depending..on
> something I haven't pinned down. yet.

Presumably you're using ALSA. If things are changing between boots, check
/proc/asound/cards; some index pinning may be needed (via module options).

>> (Oh, and if you do install the 32-bit stuff, which is presumably i386,
>> then I suggest using a 64-bit kernel anyway.)

> Dunno how to do that.

$ apt-cache search amd64 | grep ^linux
on a convenient i386 box shows several package, including
linux-image-2.6.26-1-amd64. Install that, make sure that it's the default
kernel, reboot.

> Actually, coming from a Mac this time around this was not as seamless as I
> had hoped.

> I am willing to concede tht IF you restrict yourselfe to debian tested
> packages - ice wotsit and so on - then things are pretty good, but one of
> the things about computers is theitr ability to run other people's code.

True, but if there's a distribution-packaged version, you should use that in
preference. (I sometimes patch and recompile, but even local builds get
installed as .debs.)

> I think that Lenny stable isn't as stable as one would like ;-) and the
> world out there hasn't yet caught up with the 64 bit linux libs.,. Like
> adobe flash etc.

They do actually have Flash for amd64:

But you don't need to go there: install flashplugin-nonfree (which is
only in unstable) and it'll fetch it for you.

For Java, you could try icedtea-gcjwebplugin (or cacao-oj6-plugin, but that's
only in experimental).

> OTOH I WAS impressed that - although nowhere near as pretty as a
> rounded edges distinct window trails if windows were moved fast - and
> nodrop shadows,

Sounds like you've previously seen the results of buggy graphics drivers...

> and I have yet to get the full catalogue of fonts working on X11, the speed
> was very good, and everythinmg bar the scanner on the USB side 'just
> worked' memory stick, camera, mouse:

If the memory stick doesn't work, it's probably broken or is a bit...
proprietary. Most mice don't pose problems, but I have one (now no longer in
use) which does: I'd have to do some patch-porting to fix up its slightly
wacky (and unknown to the kernel) way of reporting of some button presses.

> And I got the one thing I wanted, a machine fast enough to play flash
> videos without stuttering.

Well, as good a reason as any, I suppose...

| Darren Salt | linux or ds at | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Output less CO2 => avoid massive flooding. TIME IS RUNNING OUT *FAST*.

Become a programmer and never see the world.

TOPIC: Ping Chris F.A. Johnson (nt)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 3:39 am
From: Amaranth

On Mar 22, 1:06 am, "Chris F.A. Johnson" <> wrote:
> On 2009-03-21, Amaranth wrote:
> > no text
> Hello?
> --
> Chris F.A. Johnson, author | <>
> Shell Scripting Recipes: | My code in this post, if any,
> A Problem-Solution Approach | is released under the
> 2005, Apress | GNU General Public Licence

Hi, just haven't seen your instructive posts on this board in a
while :)

If you have a moment to spare, could you advise me if this can be
accomplished with scripts or if I'd have to program it in C++


TOPIC: Join new Linux community

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 4:33 am
From: "Eng . Ahmed Hamdy"

Hi All

if you are interrested in Linux
you can join my new Community

we need Moderators
see you there

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 6:48 am
From: Dan C

On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 04:33:13 -0700, Eng . Ahmed Hamdy wrote:

> Hi All
> if you are interrested in Linux
> you can join my new Community

Fuck off, you multi-posting spammer piece of shit.

"Ubuntu" -- an African word, meaning "Slackware is too hard for me".
The Usenet Improvement Project:

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 12:26 pm
From: "s. keeling"

Dan C <youmustbejoking@lan.invalid>:
> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 04:33:13 -0700, Eng . Ahmed Hamdy wrote:
> >
> > if you are interrested in Linux
> > you can join my new Community
> Fuck off, you multi-posting spammer piece of shit.

Takes one to know one? You just did this with your ubunturd

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*) Linux Counter #80292
- - Please, don't Cc: me.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 2:45 pm
From: Dan C

On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 19:26:05 +0000, s. keeling wrote:

> Dan C <youmustbejoking@lan.invalid>:
>> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 04:33:13 -0700, Eng . Ahmed Hamdy wrote:
>> >
>> > if you are interrested in Linux
>> > you can join my new Community
>> Fuck off, you multi-posting spammer piece of shit.
> Takes one to know one? You just did this with your ubunturd multiposts.

No, I didn't. I posted two *different* messages, in exactly *TWO*
newsgroups. Not the same thing at all, dimwit.

"Ubuntu" -- an African word, meaning "Slackware is too hard for me".
The Usenet Improvement Project:

TOPIC: Which Cygwin Should I use?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 4:52 am
From: "W. eWatson"

Keith Keller wrote:
> On 2009-03-21, Bill Marcum <> wrote:
>> If you don't want to subscribe to the mailing lists, you could read them
>> on the news server. I don't know if those are in English, but
>> their names don't indicate otherwise.
> IIRC the cygwin lists are English, so their gates on will also
> be in English. In the past I found up and down, but perhaps
> they've gotten more reliable recently. The main problem would be that,
> if the mailing lists restrict posting to subscribers, posting through
> won't work unless you also subscribe to the mailing list.
> (Actually, reading gmane's docs, it's not 100% clear that would happen.
> But my interpretation is that you still need to subscribe to the mailing
> list in order to post via gmane.)
> --keith
Actually, it looks like gmane.os.cygwin looks like it is in English.
However, for some reason I don't seem to able to post there. I get some
crazy msg about cannot save draft or something. I've tried posting with a
real e-mail address and an anonymous one (invalid, as here).

I think a larger problem is that I don't even know where to download from.
That is, the page that I thought was for a download doesn't seem to be that
way at all. It seems like RH may have something to do with downloads of it.

W. eWatson

(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

Web Page: <>

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 5:30 pm
From: Maxwell Lol

"W. eWatson" <> writes:

> Keith Keller wrote:
>> On 2009-03-21, Bill Marcum <> wrote:
>>> If you don't want to subscribe to the mailing lists, you could read
>>> them on the news server. I don't know if those are in
>>> English, but their names don't indicate otherwise.
> Actually, it looks like gmane.os.cygwin looks like it is in
> English. However, for some reason I don't seem to able to post
> there. I get some crazy msg about cannot save draft or something. I've
> tried posting with a real e-mail address and an anonymous one
> (invalid, as here). reader.

It might be a mail to NNTP gateway, where postings on the NNTP group
to NOT get forwarded to the mailing list.

I don't know one way or another. I've just seen some crazy setups.

TOPIC: Routing Debian 5

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 5:38 am
From: Balwinder S Dheeman

On 03/22/2009 04:30 AM, The Doctor wrote:
> In article <>,
> Balwinder S Dheeman <> wrote:
>> On 03/22/2009 02:52 AM, The Doctor wrote:
>>> Step one accomplished Debian on one machine.
>>> I chacked the network interface files and yes the gateway
>>> is correct.
>>> I cannot get the Debian Box to passed the Gateway.
>>> What do I need to fix?
>> Please provide more information.
>> Can you from your debian machine, ping:
>> 1)
> Yes.
>> 2) of your debian machine
> YEs.
> And NS1 and NS2.
>> 3) of your gateway?
> No :-~

Can you ping of your gateway from other machines in your
network? If not ...

Is the of your gateway within your network address range?
Hope that helps. Are your cables, hubs and, or
switches are intact or working?

Dr Balwinder S "bsd" Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
Anu'z Linux@HOME (Unix Shoppe) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP
Home: Visit:

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 7:05 am
From: (The Doctor)

In article <>,
Balwinder S Dheeman <> wrote:
>On 03/22/2009 04:30 AM, The Doctor wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> Balwinder S Dheeman <> wrote:
>>> On 03/22/2009 02:52 AM, The Doctor wrote:
>>>> Step one accomplished Debian on one machine.
>>>> I chacked the network interface files and yes the gateway
>>>> is correct.
>>>> I cannot get the Debian Box to passed the Gateway.
>>>> What do I need to fix?
>>> Please provide more information.
>>> Can you from your debian machine, ping:
>>> 1)
>> Yes.
>>> 2) of your debian machine
>> YEs.
>> And NS1 and NS2.
>>> 3) of your gateway?
>> No :-~
>Can you ping of your gateway from other machines in your
>network? If not ...


>Is the of your gateway within your network address range?
>Hope that helps. Are your cables, hubs and, or
>switches are intact or working?


However the gateway router can ping the Debian box.

>Dr Balwinder S "bsd" Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
>Anu'z Linux@HOME (Unix Shoppe) Machines: #168573, 170593, 259192
>Chandigarh, UT, 160062, India Plan9, T2, Arch/Debian/FreeBSD/XP
>Home: Visit:

Member - Liberal International This is
Ici God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Never Satan President Republic!
Point to

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 1:18 pm
From: wisdomkiller & pain

The Doctor wrote:

> Irrelevant.
Nothing is irrelevant.

> However the gateway router can ping the Debian box.
Damnfsck, what is the output of "route -n" on the debian box?
Where does the default route entry point to, or is it unset?

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 3:12 pm
From: (The Doctor)

In article <>,
wisdomkiller & pain <> wrote:
>The Doctor wrote:
>> Irrelevant.
>Nothing is irrelevant.
>> However the gateway router can ping the Debian box.
>Damnfsck, what is the output of "route -n" on the debian box?
>Where does the default route entry point to, or is it unset?

Oddly enough the gateway is set to . Huh??

BTW /sbin/ifconfig yields the correct IP information.

Member - Liberal International This is
Ici God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Never Satan President Republic!
Point to

TOPIC: GOOD NEWS!!! Free Shipping Discount 2009 style MLB NFL NHL all stars

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 5:43 am

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TOPIC: Some issues with a desktop Lenny..

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 2:37 pm
From: The Natural Philsopher

Dint want to bore you further with installation issues, suffice to say
things have eventually X-window crash, no idea why..

But three basic problems I need to at least find the state of the art for.

1/. SOUND. Now I used to have thunderbird play a wav file on incoming
mail. It doesn't work any more on this install.
I hasten to add that I can get sound on videos, sound on errors in
various windows, and I did get sound - inbuilt sound - on Thunderbird.
But not an external wav file. Also in the gnome sound panel (System->
preferences -> sound) although the audio subsytem tests OK, none of the
sounds 'play'.

2/. Scanner/USB issues. What a faff. I have an HP2400 scanner, and not
only are there no supplied drivers, but..

Anyway i found some drivers somewhere for it. but sane-find-scanner,
didn't. Lsusb showed the thing existed allright, but not as far as the
sane-backend stuff was concerned...anyway to cut a long story short I
ended up recompliling the latest libsane stuff, from source BUT if
anyone else does this, be aware that if you don't install libusb-dev
first, the configuration program ditches usb support. The key here is
that if lsusb finds a scanner, but 'sane-find-scanner -v' says 'no usb
support' then you have the default usbless distro libsane.

Well that got sane-find-scanner to find a scanner, but xsane segfaulted,
so off to compile that against the same env as libsane. That worked
(after installing yet more libraries and stuff: Yuk), if I ran it as
root, but not as a normal user. The issue seems to be that the actual
device created by the usb subsystem on finding a scanner, is both random
in its location, and owned by root.

It seems that the latest kernel and SANE are out of step, There isn't
kernel support for usb anymore, which breaks sane for usb scanners, but
the libusb stuff is not in the current stable distro libsane either.
And, even if it is, it breaks somehow because root owns the scanner port.

If anyone has a better workaround, I'd like to hear it..

3/. Mounting smb files systems. The way I work here is that I have two
desktops (one still a WinPee-Cee) and a server, and everything of any
note is on the server ,which has a rdiff-backup mirror disk in it. This
means that the very first thing a desktop has to do is mount a samba
shared volume.

Currently this is kludged by the following not very secure fstab entry

\\ /home/me/Desktop/Myhome smbfs
0 0

This works sort of fine on boot., except that mount shows two identical
entries in the mount table, so I am not sure how mount is used at boot,
to mount it twice?

Also, on shutdown, the whole machine hangs as there is no explicit
dismount I guess. Mains switch time, every time.

If anyone can suggest a better way of doing this, I'd like to hear it.

Also, on smb mounts, one thing the Mac did do, was have a GUI network
browser that allowed smb shares to be added to the system, so if I
needed to e.g. edit files on another share, I could bring up the share
and mount it, do my editing and unmount when finished. I cant find a
tool that does this on Linux.

I do need to do that so that I can edit files on a machine 60 miles
away..sometimes. OK I can connect to that machine OK with existing
tools, but the file manager thing only seems to allow copies to and
from. There is no concept of it actually mounting the remote drive where
other apps can get at it.

Oh, and by the way, the final feeling on Linux versus OSX versus WINDOWS
XP, is that XP is probably the easiest to install, but the flakiest and
in may ways the least flexible and ugly. OSX is a slightly harder
install, but the end result, though slow, is very very nice. However the
end result is what apples says its going to be.

Linux, got to be a bit of a bitch to install as I have related. The end
result though is very good. And the customisability of the gnome thing
seems ideal for me. 4 virtual desktops is just great, so I can context
switch very easily between jobs without having to minimise
windows..that's good for workflow when someone phones..into a new blank
window, fire up what they want to talk about, and/or leave mail running
there all the time, and do 'work' in the first window.

Avery interesting set of comparisons. Apple is the slickest for the not
techies, with lots of eye candy, but its always apple's look and feel.
Windows, is the same, a slightly cheaper look and feel, and an abortion
of a system, but stuff mostly just works.

Linux, for me anyway, still a technical install, but the final result is
the ability to build more or less a setup that is geared to how I want
to work. I guess that's down to the window manager...

I put just as much work in the Mac trying to get RID of stuff it decided
I wanted, as I have on Linux trying to GET the stuff I want working, and
its still not very GUI when it comes to updates and installing software.
I've had a root console open most of the weekend..

It's nice and fast though, and very cheap. Only issue I have noticed are
some delay in video updating on the onboard chipset. Maybe I am not
using the optimal driver or something. But its good enough.

TOPIC: NYC LOCAL: Thursday 26 March 2009 NYLUG: Ira Hyman on the Search for
the Ultimate Linux Distro

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 3:59 pm

what="official NYLUG announcement"

From: NYLUG Announcements <>
To: NYLUG Announcements <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 09:30:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [nylug-announce] NYLUG Mar 26 Meeting: Ira Hyman on The Search for the Ultimate Linux Distro
Reply-To: Announcements from NYLUG <>

Thursday, March 26, 2009
6:30pm-8:00 PM
590 Madison Ave, 12th Floor
corner of 57th Street

** RSVP Closes at 4:30pm the day of the meeting (sharp!) ***
Please RSVP for EVERY meeting at this time.
Register at
Check in with photo ID at the lobby for badge.

Ira Hyman
- on -
The Search for The Ultimate Linux Distro

Please join us Thursday, March 26th 2009 when NYLUG welcomes back
Ira Hyman, Director of the development team and a long-time
member of the New York Linux Users Group, to speak at our regular monthly
meeting. Ira spoke at our March 2008 and March 2007 meetings, so it's no
coincidence that his latest thoughts will be tapped again this year. If
you attended either of his previous talks on PCLinuxOS or Open Source
Multimedia you will enjoy his insights from a recent deep dive with the
Fedora Linux distribution.

Fedora is an RPM-based, general purpose operating system built on top of
the Linux kernel. Primarily developed by the community-supported Fedora
Project, it is sponsored by Red Hat, Inc. and comprises the core
technology of the commercially supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux (a.k.a.
"RHEL") operating system. Roughly every third version of Fedora forms the
basis of a new version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

For example,

* Fedora Core 3 --> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
* Fedora Core 6 --> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
* Fedora 10 / Fedora 11 --> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
(planned for release in 2010)

If you have a question, comment or criticism about Linux distributions,
this is the meeting to attend. In addition to Fedora, Ira has installed,
tested and reviewed dozens of distros including various Linux appliances.

In this meeting, Ira will explore the best features from a variety of
Linux distributions and attempt to aggregrate them into the Ultimate Linux
Distro - a business concept and no holds barred discussion about what most
Linux users need, want and are buying today. Imagine fantasy football for
the studious geek. If you know of a great app, plug-in or key feature
that we all would benefit from, come on down and join what will surely be
a vigorous dialogue.

More Information:

* The Fedora Project

* Red Hat Enterprise Linux

* Red Hat


About Ira Hyman:
Ira Hyman is the Director of the development team, a
longtime NYLUG member and believes in the power of Linux and FOSS to
change the way we live for the better.

Meeting Location:
Please note that this meeting will be held at IBM, 590 Madison Ave,
12th floor, corner of 57th Street, and not at Google. This is
the building with the IBM logo on the front of the building.


Our friends at Prentice-Hall kindly provide us with review copies
of various new titles. One of these could be yours, all you have
to do is agree to review the book within a reasonable period of

Swag (Give Away):
During/after the meeting... unusually terrific swag may be given

After the meeting ... You may wish to join up with other NYLUGgers
over at TGI Fridays located at 677 Lexington Avenue and 56th
Street, second floor. Northeast corner.

Python Workshops:
We are rounding up a group that wants to learn Python. This would
be a great time to attend our workshop.

The workshops meet every other Tuesday, at the NY Public Library,
Hudson Park Branch. 66 Leroy St. NY NY from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Next meetings are March 31, followed by April 14.
See the calendar at:

Please see our home page at for the HTMLized
version of this announcement, our archives, and a lot of other good
Hire expert Linux talent by posting jobs here ::
nylug-announce mailing list


Distributed poC TINC:

Jay Sulzberger <>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.

TOPIC: Fedora vs CentOS

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 5:49 pm
From: philo

After trying quite a few of the new Linux distros...I went with Fedora
10 (32bit)...It's running great.

Now that I'm up and least a few folks have mentioned that I
should have gone with CentOS as it's essentially Red Hat Enterprise...
while Fedora is essentially the Beta version of Red Hat.

Well,I figured might as well try CentOS 5.2 64 bit.

Bottom line is that it works fine...If anything, I prefer Fedora...
and now I find that there is not even a 64bit version of Flash for Linux...
so I see no point in going further.

Just wondering if I should give the 32bit version of CentOS a try?


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[fnftwo] Spring is here

These tubes are so bright and cheery. Hugs 
no tut 

[fnftwo] martalip - FELINE - attached


Face Tube by Angie plus tubes provided with tutorial.
No Copyright infringement intended. For Learning purposes only.
Please, don't change or remove images and credits when using my stationeries.
You can add your name on my tags, but don't add images or tubes.

[ellenspsp_sharing] Green dancing fairy



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