Wednesday, May 13, 2009

[fnftwo] Any One Will Do


Good afternoon,
Not sure where the heck the morning went to at all. Got up and took the dog out for a short potty walk, Came back inside and fed him and the cat and cleaned the litter box up and put on a pot of coffee.
Phone rang and was from the furniture place asking if I was picking up my new chair today and if so could I come earlier as they had a shipment coming in and needed the room so ran the dog back outside again. Then had to turn off the coffee pot which I had not had any of yet and run to the bank to cash a check  and then run to the town where the chair was and pick that up. Back to my town and stopped for gas and then home again and now finally had a cup of coffee and since then have been rearranging furniture and running the vac and of course has to take the dog out again.
Got on here and let the mail come in which I am slowly trying to look at while on a break. Now to finish the cleaning of the room where the cat stays at night or when he has driven me and or the dog totally insane and clean up the litter which he loves spray all over the carpet and then get someone here to help me unload and bring the chair up here and get it put back together as the back comes off.
Gee tired already and still have so much to do so are there any volunteers ? LOL
Thanks for looking if you got this far before hitting the delete key   Sandy



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