Thursday, February 5, 2009

[fnftwo] LOL--My challenge try

Here it is!  For someone who does not like abstract art at all, this sure looks like a nightmare to me!  I had no idea what to do with the challenge pix, and I was not overly fond of the woman tube.  I started by just misting her eye, then I took the balls, and selected one.  That led to placing the eye on the ball!  I used all of the files, they are part of the background and blended in.  The eye craziness gave me the idea to add all the other zany things!!  This is definitely not me!  ROFL....
Diane, this one was a tough one. My hubby looked at the files and said, he would have used the eye idea, but made the theme "eye of the storm".....sure he tells me that great idea after I have this made!  LOL


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