Monday, February 16, 2009

[fnftwo] Lace, using PhotoImpact

Shirley R wrote and asked about doing lace in PhotoImpact.  I went looking for tutorials, but didn't find too many that really created lace, it was more "paint on the edges".  So I decided to try my luck at it.  Using a ding font...or was "flakey", the other "antique border ornaments".  Just created a long strip, found one I liked, and made text 3d white, and just duplicated the letter.  Some I had to duplicate once again and line them up to make a Lacey look.  Another I had to erase half of it to look like a lace strip, and still another, I added a rectangular white bar.  It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed doing it.  Thank YOU Shirley for the challenge!  I'm attaching the two fonts if anyone wants to play...


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