Friday, June 26, 2009

[fnftwo] Moonstruck

Good afternoon everyone!  Been busy this morning and had to take Tiko to the vet to have a grooming and bath, plus they may shave him again.  His coat has come back in and it is just gorgeous, but he is scratching and itching and I sure don't want him to get his skin infected again.  He's still at the vets, so I'll go to pick him up when they call.
So much going on in our country with the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.  Farrah, will be remembered by me as such a courageous woman, a fighter to the end who insisted on showing the whole process of her cancer to the world so that others may learn.  Michael Jackson was a singer of my kids generation.  He is loved around the world, and died too young.
It's Friday....weekend coming up.  Have a great one.
BTW, this tut has gone around the group, and I wanted to try it.  Couldn't figure out what the directions were for the frame, so I just played with filters til I found something I liked.  LOL


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