Wednesday, April 22, 2009

[fnftwo] Earth Day tag, template & scrap

earthday2009KEMc09.jpg picture by mcgaelicgal
Greetings Everyone!
Had to do something to commemorate the day, even if it is cutting things a bit close!  lol  No tut.  Used a template and a couple of the gorgeous papers from an FTU kit: Earth Friendly from DMK Designs.  (Preview attached.)  I've spent nearly an hour trying to track down the blog I got the template from, but couldn't find it, so I've attached it.  If anyone knows, please give me head's up!  (A belated Scrap Day offering?!  ;-p)
Hope the rest of your week goes well, and remember: Love Your Mother (Earth)!!  :D
xoxo ~ Kirsten
PS.  The font I used here is Gaze.


Template by - Abdul Munir | Daya Earth Blogger Template