Thursday, February 12, 2009

[fnftwo] Ode to Flamingos


Just playing. I left it pretty big so you can read the cute poem I found online. I've always been fascinated by flamingos. Probably another thing that drew me to Florida. I think it would make a better state bird than the mockingbird. I do like mockingbirds but not what they copiously leave behind. We had one that nest either in the gutter or somewhere very near our bedroom corner of the deck. She is forever flying into and around the glass doors admiring herself. Loves to sit on one of the loungers and deposit purple glue which must be the main ingredient of epoxy! Don't say it. We've had turkeys up on the deck too so I do realize flamingos might make bigger deposits!!
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Feb 2009
Font: Corbel
Artwork by: Allie Jensen "Flamingos Dawning"
Includes Shared Images 
"Ode to Flamingos"


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