Thursday, November 20, 2008

[PSP-Snags] Goodby Everybody

I am Sorry, I have to leave all my groups.
I wish I could have given more notice than this.
I am truly sorry I wish I could explain...
Thank You for everything you've done and shared it is nice to have been a part of it.
Hugs to All.
SBQ Dawn    
I will un sub right after sending this reply's are necessary and no one need worry about saved addresses as I have to roll my computer back to Brand new with a reformat as well.
Everything must go and be sold.

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Members of, or associated with the Artist Protection League or any other vigilante copyright group, you must leave this group NOW.  Also, if you are here to police our sends for copyright purposes, you also must leave NOW.  If you remain, you are violating our LEGAL rights by harassing us.  You are also using ENTRAPMENT to gain ILLEGAL information about the group or any member thereof.  YOU CAN BE SUED FOR THESE ACTIONS. This is a private email and is covered by TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 47, Sec. 1030 and Internet Privacy Law. Sharing done, within this group, is for personal use only - NOT FOR PROFIT - and is covered by the Fair Use Act:
List owner is not responsible for the sends/opinions of its members


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