Wednesday, November 19, 2008

[fnftwo] Hi from Down Under


Hi all, I'm back from my walk-a-bout! Sorry I've been missing in action, but real life kind of took over last week, and part of this lolol.
Just want to thank you and congratulate you all on the wonderful images I've seen come through the groups, gosh you are so talented. I love opening my mail, it's just such a shame that time goes by and for me catching up is impossible, hence the group message.
I do miss being part of the activity but priorities are what they are, anyway here I am again.
I loved the tut that came in yesterday, so needless to say I simply had to do it.  I also loved the colours so decided for once in my life to follow the tut haaaaaaa! As you know I do love doing my own thing in both images and colours, however sometimes it's just not worth the effort to change, because the original is far to beautiful to do that successfully. I love Jets work, and even though this may look the same as her tut, it's not, there are subtle differences of which I'll keep secret lolol.
Thanks so much for looking, and thanks once again for all the wonderful work you are producing


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