Monday, May 25, 2009

[fnftwo] Johnny Depp / New/ Thanks to All - Sound

I almost junked this one as I had problems with the film strip part of the header.
But since I don't have time to use a different film strip template or mask right now,
decided to just send it on.
And taking this opportunity to say thanks for all that you share.
I'll get to answering EMail tomorrow. 
Today I'm just answering questions and trying to solve some problems for members
of the Fun Group.
Then off to spend time with some friends once they give up on trying to learn how
to keep their kayaks upright..........LOL.
Hugs from Roni
 Letter by RoniElaine
Film Strip Tutorial HERE
Caricature by Heather Ihn
Film Images from All Posters
Font: Segoe Print


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