Saturday, May 30, 2009

[fnftwo] Always In My Heart

No matter how I've tried in the past few days, I just can not seem to follow a tutorial, I'm in a  -can't follow directions- syndrome! 
I finally just gave up and decided to play.  I tubed quite a few things this morning.  This woman was one.  You can tell this was from a shampoo ad!  LOL  I just duplicated the tube twice, used a mosaic texture on one, gaussian blur on the other.  I had made the heart previously, and the painted rose also, using PhotoImpact.
I just didn't want the day to go by without trying to create something! 
Hope you are having a good Saturday.  It has been raining here off and on all day long....and we are due for another few days of the same weather.  I'll need a canoe.
I found this font, ChristineMed and just love it.  You'll be seeing me use a lot of it. 


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