Saturday, April 25, 2009

[fnftwo] Help please

To Sandee, or any other smart person out there~~
Sandee sent in this adorable tut below and I want to give it a try.  I cannot get the brushes!!!  I use psp9...have a folder set up on my desktop for brushes and tried to import them, It allows me to add them, but when I click on "add" it gives me a message saying a parameter is out of range.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?  If I open it in psp as an image I see that these brushes are huge.  How is anyone getting them?  I actually used the psp image and used transparency to eliminate the white, then resized to 500 x 500 so that I could export it into my brushes, but I know I must be doing something wrong not being able to just extract them into my folder on desktop and them use the import feature?????  Helppppppppppp  lol
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:14 AM
Subject: [fnftwo] michle's magic night

This lady writes a very nice  tutorial also.  Easy to follow.I changed the frame.


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