Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[fnftwo] Hello Everyone

Just a simple HELLO to all!  I am back, but not up to par yet.  Although I didn't lose everything, I did lose some things....and I have to rebuild, and I must reinstall all my programs.
But my graphics drive has been cleared of the virus and I can use it, so I did not lose any graphics, tubes, plug ins etc.  Still have my website materials.  So in that respect I am blessed.  I do have backups, that I found I can use that are on other external hard drives, but it won't be necessary....thank heavens.
This little frame is a country frame that Tish offered on her blogspot.  One of the things that have been obliterated are my web bookmarks so I can't remember Tish's link!  But if you do a search for Skrapping Alley, you'll find it!
Am including the cute little bow as a scrap share for Share a Scrap today.
It is good to be back, I've missed you all.....cyber friends are family to me and you are all very special.


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