Thursday, June 18, 2009

[fnftwo] CREATOR'S CHOICE (June 19, 2009)

Creator’s Choice Premade Shapeattached - mandatory

*June 26th will be our last Creator’s Choice until the Fall


Also may be used;

Overall size ~ As is

Any tools you need: brushes, tubes pattern/gradient/texture, word art etc.

Filters: PSP or outside plugins




A new challenge!  CREATOR’S CHOICE!  Another wonderful idea of our Mod, Lynn who also created the Galore Challenge!  We will dispense with the Friday graphic challenge, and Creator’s Choice will be the replacement.  For those of you loving that graphic challenge, we will occasionally throw in a few as surprise challenges.


What is Creator’s Choice?  Imagination!  YOURS!  There are no tutorials with this challenge, you will use your imagination and wonderful creativity to produce and design your own special effects.  The result will be your own personal tag.


We all hope this will instill a desire to design your own tags.  You’ll also be able to try out many plug ins!  LOL.  This will be a weekly challenge, on Fridays, starting April 3rd.  If you have any questions regarding the challenge, please contact Lynn, Diane or Bobbi.











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